Am I correct with this line of reasoning? (would/would have) [closed]

Solution 1:

Am I right with this line of reasoning or not?

No. It is far more complicated and you must provide context.

A: You weren't at my party on Saturday: I thought you would come.

B: Sorry, I was ill.

A: I'm having another party next Saturday: I thought you would (=might) come.

B: That's good of you. I will try to be there.

A: Last month, some of us met at a pub. I thought you would have been there, too.

B: I was in Australia.

A: When you were in Australia, did you watch the cricket?

B: No. It was in Perth, and I went to Canberra - I would have been too late anyway - it had already ended.

Here are some other examples:

1 I wish he would do what I asked. Regret about somebody's behaviour

2 Would you follow me, please?. Polite request

3 He said he would do it tomorrow. Reported speech

4 I'd rather you didn't do that. Expressing a preference about an action

5 And every day he would go to work by bicycle. Past habit

6 Well, he would say that, wouldn't he? Commenting on somebody's typical behaviour

7 Would you tell me the answer? Indirect question

8 Would you like to go to the cinema? Polite offer

9 I'd imagine we would arrive at about six . Softening an opinion you are not sure about

10 He wouldn't do what I asked. Refusal in the past

11 One day he would return to this university as a professor. Future in the past

12 If he had known this he would never have asked her. Third conditional

There are a similar number of meanings for "would have verbed".