New posts in optimization

How to calculate or approximate the median of a list without storing the list

Swapping the dimensions of a numpy array

Convert a piecewise linear non-convex function into a linear optimisation problem.

Difference between Grassmann and Stiefel manifolds

Linearize if statement in linear programming

Worst Case Analysis for Regular Expressions

How to minimise the cost of guessing a number in a high/low guess game?

Why is the optimal solution to $ \min\limits_{S \in \mathbb S^{n}_{+}} -\log(\det(S))+\text{trace}(\Sigma S)$ equal to $\Sigma^{-1}$

Boolean values as 8 bit in compilers. Are operations on them inefficient?

Show that the Huber-loss based optimization is equivalent to $\ell_1$ norm based.

How to speed up sql queries ? Indexes?

Should I minimize the number of docker layers?

How to find: $~\min\limits_{f\in E}(\int_0^1f(x) \,dx)$

Java split String performances

How to interpret Lagrangian function (specifically not Lagrangian multiplier)

Newton's method vs. gradient descent with exact line search

Are triangles the strongest shape?

std::array with aggregate initialization on g++ generates huge code

is there any way to disable compiler optimisation for a specific line of code?

Faster approach to checking for an all-zero buffer in C?