New posts in optimization

Constraint qualification for linear constraints [closed]

Maximizing a sum of inner products

invex functions and their usefulness?

best way to clear contents of .NET's StringBuilder

What are the major performance hitters in AS3 aside from rendering vectors?

Algorithm to determine if a 3D ellipsoid is contained within another?

Finding closest neighbour using optimized Levenshtein Algorithm

Why do Lagrange Multipliers work?

Global maximum and minimum of $f(x,y,z)=xyz$ with the constraint $x^2+2y^2+3z^2=6$ with Lagrange multipliers?

R Error: function returns NA at 3.07653253930756e+181 distance from x

Gradient is NOT the direction that points to the minimum or maximum

RDTSCP in NASM always returns the same value (timing a single instruction)

What does "Optimize Code" option really do in Visual Studio?

What is the fastest way to convert float to int on x86

Finding the Best linear unbiased estimator of the mean using Lagrange Multiplier

Recursion or iteration?

Speeding up Julia's poorly written R examples

Is the C# compiler smart enough to optimize this code?

I want help in formulating a mixed integer linear problem formulation

Measuring actual MySQL query time