New posts in opencv

cv2.imread does not read jpg files

Cannot open ".mp4" video files using OpenCV 2.4.3, Python 2.7 in Windows 7 machine

NDK - problems after GNUSTL has been removed from the NDK (revision r18)

Unable to read frames from VideoCapture from secondary webcam with OpenCV

convert Matrix of type CV_32FC1 to CV_64FC1

openCV 2.4.3 iOS framework compiler trouble recognising some c++ headers

Create depth map image as 24-bit (Carla)

How to draw a line on an image in OpenCV?

Equivalent to cvSetImageROI in the OpenCV C++ interface

How can one display an image using cv2 in Python

How to find the RED color regions using OpenCV?

C++ conversion from NumPy array to Mat (OpenCV)

grab frame NTSCtoUSB dongle, opencv2, python wrapper

Loading all images using imread from a given folder

cv::imwrite could not find a writer for the specified extension

What is the difference between `` and ``

How to solve munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer error in C++

Java OpenCV from Maven

How to save two camera's data but not influence their picture-acquire speed?

OpenCV 2.4.3rc and CUDA 4.2: "OpenCV Error: No GPU support"