OpenCV 2.4.3rc and CUDA 4.2: "OpenCV Error: No GPU support"

Solution 1:

You are using those OpenCV binaries which are compiled without GPU support.

C:\opencv\build\x86\... are without GPU support.

You have to use the binaries and lib files which are present in the build\gpu folder.

C:\opencv\build\gpu\x86\... are with GPU support.



In Visual Studio 2010, go to project properties. In the VC++ Directories, you will see the following page:

Add the path of OpenCV include folder in the Include Directories textbox. Make sure that multiple paths are separated by a semicolon and there is no space in any of the path.

Similarly add the path of OpenCV lib folders for both the GPU and Non-GPU versions in the Library Directories Textbox. (Don't forget the semicolon)

Important: When writing the paths in the box, first write the GPU path and after that, the Non-GPU path.

enter image description here

Next step is adding the path of bin folder of OpenCV. But not in visual studio, but in the Path Environment variable as shown below:

enter image description here

  • Right Click My Computer
  • Go To Properties
  • Go to Environment Variables section
  • Edit the System Variable Path
  • Append C:\OpenCV\build\gpu\x86\vc10\bin and C:\OpenCV\build\x86\vc10\bin to the Path. Don't forget to separate different values with semicolon. Also---> GPU Comes First.
  • Save and exit.

Restart Visual Studio. The linker and #include directive will now recognize the OpenCV libraries. As we have added the path of the GPU libraries also, so complete GPU support will be available in OpenCV.

To use GPU functionality of OpenCV, you just have to do the following:

  • #include opencv2/gpu/gpu.hpp
  • Specify opencv_gpu243d.lib for Debug Configuration, or opencv_gpu243.lib for Release Configuration in the Additional Dependencies field in the Linker->Input section of project properties.

Some Additional Info:

In Visual Studio, there is an easy way to link libraries instead of specifying them in the project properties.

Just write these lines in the very start of your code:

#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma comment(lib,"opencv_core243d")
#pragma comment(lib,"opencv_highgui243d")
#pragma comment(lib,"opencv_core243")
#pragma comment(lib,"opencv_highgui243")