New posts in okular

"FreeType NOTFOUND" error when trying to build Okular from source

State of Okular in Ubuntu 17.10?

How to enable "Text Selection" at startup in Okular?

Stay in Annotation mode in Okular?

Why is there two instances of "Okular" and how do I get rid of the other one?

Why do PDFs with forms create black bars on some pages?

The "Speak Text" feature in Okular is not working. How do I get it to work?

Invalid Context warnings about icon themes when starting certain apps

Auto-Saving in Okular - is it possible?

Okular instances does not group under single icon in desktop dock on Ubuntu 17.10

okular snap package doesn't appear in applications and command 'okular' is not recognized

How to preserve highlighting and annotations created in Okular?

How to add a Signature stamp to Okular

How to sign a pdf in Okular or other FOSS program?

Suddenly Okular will not open any more

Okular can't read pdf files

How to Install Okular 0.15 on 12.04 LTS?

Is there a pdf reader that displays animations?

How to integrate Okular with the DE theme in Ubuntu 18.04

Open + Save File window buggy in several applications (resizing left side also changes right side, moving window moves application, etc.)