New posts in nunit

Unit test for thread safe-ness?

How can I pass dynamic objects into an NUnit TestCase function?

Using Moq to verify calls are made in the correct order

How do I test database-related code with NUnit?

NUnit parameterized tests with datetime

Visual Studio 2013 MSTest vs NUnit

NUnit 3.0 and Assert.Throws

Unit Testing File I/O

.NET Unit test runner for iOS

NUnit Specflow how to share a class instance for all tests

HRESULT: 0x80131040: The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

How do I test an async method with NUnit (or possibly with another framework)?

When do I use the TestFixtureSetUp attribute instead of a default constructor?

How to run Google Chrome with Selenium RC?

Test with NO expected exception

Testing for exceptions in async methods

NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsInstanceOfType() is obsolete

How can I run NUnit tests in parallel?

CollectionAssert in jUnit?

ReSharper Error: "The output has reached the limit and was truncated. To view the full output use 'Show Stack Trace in a new window' action."