ReSharper Error: "The output has reached the limit and was truncated. To view the full output use 'Show Stack Trace in a new window' action."

When running unit tests in ReSharper, if the output is too long, it gives this error:

The output has reached the limit and was truncated.
To view the full output use 'Show Stack Trace in a new window' action.


ReSharper fixed this issue in 2016.2, see answer from @Alexander Pacha.

Solution 1:

It took a few minutes of hunting. Click on the icon in the task bar:

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Due to the reactions from this post, JetBrains fixed this 'feature' and now allows the user to configure this in the ReSharper settings: Tools > Unit Testing > Unit Test Output > Limit number of lines in output to xxx. This fix has been made available in ReSharper 2016.2.

How to configure ReSharper to not limit the number of lines in the output to 200 but a greater number