How to create a gradle-based Java Project in Intellij IDEA 13.0.1 Community

I want to start a empty project with Gradle in Intellij IDEA but it seems not so convenient as Eclipse does.

What I did is File->New Project->Gradle. And a project shows up but it's not completed (it has no src folder for example).

And I add apply plugin 'idea' in the build.gradle. When I refer to the All tasks in IntelliJ IDEA. There are no idea,cleanIdea,ideaProject for me to set up a IntelliJ IDEA.

In Eclipse+Gradle plugin, just create a new gradle project and everything is ready.

I want to know how to do that in Intellij IDEA.


Solution 1:

When creating new Gradle project, select "Create directories for empty content roots automatically".

New Gradle project wizard

New project will have those directories.

Gradle project structure

Solution 2:

In latest IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition(2018.1), there's no Create directories for empty content roots automatically option available in New Project dialog. But we can go to Preferences...->Build, Execution, Deployment->Gradle and check the underlined option in the screenshot below.

enter image description here