What features does Firebug have that Chrome's Developer Tools do not have? [closed]

I used Firebug from the start and it was a godsend like the invention of fire. But then Chrome came out with its debugger and I tried it. I kept using Firebug, but kept an eye on Chome's dev tools and finally could not longer come up with a reason not to switch after JSON tools were added in v12.

Chrome's DevTools kick butt because it has:

  • Built in Timeline, Profiler and Heap analyzer
  • Built in Audit tool
  • Can access and edit Local/SessionStorage, Cookies, SqlLite DB's, WebSQL, AppCache etc...
  • WebSockets network sniffing
  • JS debugger has some more features (e.g. WebWorker breakpoints)
  • JS debugger let's you edit JS on the fly and run it (JSFiddle w/o the fiddle)
  • Each window gets a devtools window if you like; Firebug is a singleton
  • Firebug perturbs the page by slowing its loading down and by injecting CSS for its inspector feature

UPDATE: 2 years later I have to congratulate the Firefox team for making huge inroads. That said, the Chrome team and debugger make huge leaps forward on a monthly basis, leading the industry. I'd update the above list, but frankly it would fill the entire page.

I haven't run into a Firebug feature I've missed yet after switching to Chrome.