Using Moq to verify calls are made in the correct order

Solution 1:

There is bug when using MockSequence on same mock. It definitely will be fixed in later releases of Moq library (you can also fix it manually by changing Moq.MethodCall.Matches implementation).

If you want to use Moq only, then you can verify method call order via callbacks:

int callOrder = 0;
writerMock.Setup(x => x.Write(expectedType)).Callback(() => Assert.That(callOrder++, Is.EqualTo(0)));
writerMock.Setup(x => x.Write(expectedId)).Callback(() => Assert.That(callOrder++, Is.EqualTo(1)));
writerMock.Setup(x => x.Write(expectedSender)).Callback(() => Assert.That(callOrder++, Is.EqualTo(2)));

Solution 2:

I've managed to get the behaviour I want, but it requires downloading a 3rd-party library from

The sequence can then be tested using the following:

var mockWriter = new Mock<IWriter>(MockBehavior.Strict);
using (Sequence.Create())
    mockWriter.Setup(x => x.Write(expectedType)).InSequence();
    mockWriter.Setup(x => x.Write(expectedId)).InSequence();
    mockWriter.Setup(x => x.Write(expectedSender)).InSequence();

I've added this as an answer partly to help document this solution, but I'm still interested in whether something similar could be achieved using Moq 4.0 alone.

I'm not sure if Moq is still in development, but fixing the problem with the MockSequence, or including the moq-sequences extension in Moq would be good to see.