New posts in nstimer

Xcode 7.3 / Swift 2: "No method declared with Objective-C selector" warning

Using an NSTimer in Swift

How to stop NStimer event? [duplicate]

How to detect a pause in input for UISearchBar/UITextField?

How to trigger NSTimer right away?

swift NSTimer in Background

Accuracy of NSTimer

Weak Reference to NSTimer Target To Prevent Retain Cycle

Getting Current Time in string in Custom format in objective c

How to run NSTimer in background Thread

How can I make a countdown with NSTimer?

Passing parameters to a method called by NSTimer in Swift

Passing parameters to the method called by a NSTimer

NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval: not working

How to use NSOperationQueue and NSOperation to periodically call serialized download tasks using a NSTimer on the background Thread

How do I create a NSTimer on a background thread?

Dynamically Updating a UILabel

Is NSTimer expected to fire when app is backgrounded?

What's the best way to detect when the app is entering the background for my view?

Determine if UIView is visible to the user?