New posts in normal-subgroups

How do I show a mapping is a homomorphism?

Showing the product of two normal subgroups is normal [closed]

Suppose $H$ is the only subgroup of order $o(H)$ in the finite group $G$. Prove that $H$ is a normal subgroup of $G$.

Prove that there exists a $z \in Z(G)$ such that $yx = zxy$.

Counterexample for the normalizer being a normal subgroup

Give an example of a non abelian group $G$ and a subgroup $H\subset Z(G) $(proper subgroup) such that $H$ is not characteristic subgroup of $G$

Prove that $G$ is an abelian group if $\{(g, g):g\in G\}$ is a normal subgroup.

Equivalent definitions of normal subgroups

Properties possessed by $H , G/H$ but not G

Does $[G,G] \trianglelefteq \text{ker}(\Psi)$ hold?

Finite normal subgroups of $\operatorname{SU}(n)$

Normal Subgroups in Group Theory

All subgroups normal $\implies$ abelian group

We Quotient an algebraic structure to generate equivalence classes?

Prove Fitting's theorem for finite groups

Any Subgroup containing commutator subgroup is normal.

Why are normal subgroups called "normal"?

Commutator Group of $GL_2(R)$ is $SL_2(R)$

Conjugacy class of $G$ splitting as Conjugacy class of $H\unlhd G$

Where am I wrong that I can prove every subgroup is normal?