New posts in noetherian

Ideals in $C[0,1]$ which are not finitely generated (From Atiyah- Macdonald )

$I$-adic completion

Why are noetherian and artinian modules important?

Primary ideals of Noetherian rings which are not irreducible

What is an easy example of non-Noetherian domain?

What is a clever proof of Hilbert's basis theorem?

The total ring of fractions of a reduced Noetherian ring is a direct product of fields

Converse to Hilbert basis theorem

Is the ring of holomorphic functions on $S^1$ Noetherian?

Subring of a finitely generated Noetherian ring need not be Noetherian? [duplicate]

Why are Noetherian Rings important?

Is noetherianity a local property?

When is a tensor product of two commutative rings noetherian?

Is the global section ring of a Noetherian Scheme Noetherian as well?

Primary ideals in Noetherian rings

Sufficient conditions for $\operatorname {Spec} f$ to be closed

Noetherian property for exact sequence

If $R$ is a Noetherian ring then $R[[x]]$ is also Noetherian

A non-noetherian ring with noetherian spectrum

Let $R$ be a commutative Noetherian ring (with unity), and let $I$ be an ideal of $R$ such that $R/I \cong R$. Then is $I=(0)$?