New posts in nes

What's the name of this NES game with a yellow child as the playable character?

Is there in-game differences between 3 and 5 screws NES games?

Was there anything different past beating The Legend of Zelda twice?

NES legend of Zelda fake or real [duplicate]

How can I get an NES controller to work on my PC as a Joystick?

In Super Mario Bros which button is used to run and to jump?

I am looking for video game cassette 4 in 1 [closed]

How can I identify a Mario Bros character (Big gray stone that falls)

Need help with controls

Save States for older game consoles?

How can I replace the NES cartridge battery?

Is it possible to use the second controller to control the ducks in duckhunt?

Xbox One S controller (via Bluetooth to Linux) isn't binding Start or Select in Nestopia

In the NES version of Tetris, how much faster is a soft drop?

Disabling 10NES Chip

Counterfeit NES/SNES Games-how to know if it's fake?

Will the NES Zapper light gun work on a CRT HDTV?

How does the NES Zapper work? [duplicate]

Why do older generations games have a common look and feel by console?

Why do some versions of Legend of Zelda on the NES have the "hold reset" caution screen, and some don't?