New posts in music

Generic word for a verse, chorus, or bridge of a hymn or song

"Playlist can't be added to your iCloud Music Library". Why?

What is the quality of the music sold in the iTunes store?

Can I use different Apple ID for Music on Catalina?

Sync music from iPod classic to iTunes?

Export iTunes music library information (album, artist, track names) to CSV or spreadsheet format?

How to resume normal iPhone volume after notification causes volume to get stuck in lower volume mode?

Remove seconds of silence at end of GarageBand exports

How do I completely reset and delete all settings and configurations

Convert an already recorded stereo track to mono in Garageband

Is there an equalizer for windows that works regardles of audio/video player [closed]

Is there a way to keep my iPhone from receiving calls/texts/alerts while listening to music?

Is there a word for "piano reinterpretation"?

Does lossless audio over Apple AirPlay have preserved audio quality?

How do I disable the media keys (play, pause, skip, etc.) on the macOS login window?

Name for music that imitates speech

How can I make my Macbook Pro's headphone jack stop "humming"?

App-specific sound output devices

What does "Do you want to erase this iPhone and sync with this iTunes library" mean?

What's a good iPhone app for playing MP3 music?