What's a good iPhone app for playing MP3 music?

I have an extensive collection of video game music that I like to keep completely separate from my 'regular' music (which I use iTunes to sync w/ my iPhone and the stock Music.app to play).

I'm looking for a good app that will let me import this separate collection of MP3s into the app and then play them. Most importantly, it must NOT pull in music from the stock music.app, as I want to keep these two separate!

  • I don't want a digital locker to sign up for and stream from (Amazon, etc)
  • ID3 tag meta-data support is a must, preferably w/ embedded album art
  • Needs to list songs by Album/Artist/Song Title, not just filename
  • Playlist is nice to have but not a must
  • I don't care how it looks as long as it's not total garbage
  • I don't care about downloading from the internet; I've already got the songs I need

Are there any apps out there that can do this? I've had no luck searching Google as all I find are questionable MP3 Downloaders, Youtube rippers, streamers, or authoring/remixing tools. :/

Thanks for any input you guys have.

VLC is very popular on any device or computer. The iOS Version has a really nice design (iOS 7 like) and supports any kind of transfer (Wifi, Networkstream, ...).

More information can be found here: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ios.html

I personally use Capriccio, which has a free with ads version and paid version. The plus of this player is that it runs both iPhone standards formats and all the other (including FLAC) so you can basically throw it everything without converting and you have no problem.

VLC player has Wifi upload + dropbox integration - although both did not work for me - VLC cant detect mp3 even after i Wifi-upload them.

Use latest verison of DropBox - it automatically plays mp3 inside.. https://www.dropbox.com/help/80/en