New posts in music

Music Home Sharing not visible in iOS 10

Music player on Linux without playlists, just a directory navigation and file playing

Sync Music from Banshee via SSH to Android Device

Can you burn a CD using a DVD-R? [closed]

Is there are place to report missing/incorrect album art to the iTunes team?

Is there a way to send a music file from Finder to an iPhone's music library?

Is there a word for when a song leaves out a word or phrase despite it perfectly fitting? [duplicate]

Using iTunes to access all your music on a NAS but keeping the library.xml local... Is it possible/how? (Mac OSX))

Why do my most recent iTunes music purchases not sync to my iPhone?

How can I hide the Biography and Similar Artists panel in iTunes?

What is the current state of development for the FLAC codec? [closed]

what's the name of the program/app/daemon that "plays" music in rhythmbox when i try to quit it with close button?

Foobar2000 on linux

How to play MP3s on iPhone 5s without iTunes?

Lame - How to re-encode all 320kbps mp3 to 192kbps mp3

How do I listen to sample/preview in the iOS Music app?

Why can't I add artwork to my music in iTunes?

"Moving" MP3s from one mac book to the next?

Unable to see iCloud Music Library option in Music Settings

Is it possible to disable the volume drop when a notification comes in (without jailbreak)?