Music Home Sharing not visible in iOS 10

How do I access Home Sharing for Music in iOS10? I'd like to stream music from my Mac iTunes Library.

When I go to the Music app, there are no contents:

enter image description here

Home Sharing is active in iTunes on my Mac serving the audio. I can see the Library contents using the Remote app, and I can also access the Mac Library from another Mac.

Home Sharing is active on my iPhone, I'm logged into my Apple ID in my iOS Settings > Music.

enter image description here

Has this feature been removed, or is there something I'm missing here? This Apple support page, last updated May 2016, says it should be possible in what appears to be iOS 9.

Solution 1:

I hadn't actually opened the Music app since I upgraded to iOS 10, but I did so to see what I could find for this question. On the main screen, I immediately have a Home Sharing option, and tapping on it goes to a screen with my computer's name. See screenshot below.

I'd suggest logging out of Home Sharing on your iPhone, waiting 15 minutes, and logging back in. Also make sure you're running the latest version of iTunes ( as of this writing).

enter image description here