New posts in multi-touch

Simulating a touch on a phone screen without a finger?

Turn off trackpad scroll "momentum"

Touchscreen and additional external monitor

Macbook Air Touchpad

Does the Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch work out of the box?

How can I get multitouch enabled on my Sentelic touchpad (msi x350 notebook)?

Android Multitouch - Possible to test in emulator?

Will i benefit from important features of Lion with a trackpad/MacBook?

How do you turn Three Finger Drag on?

App order for multitasking gestures

Is it possible to customize multi-touch gestures on an iPad?

iPhone 6s 3D touch overly sensitive

Configure '50-synaptics.conf' for kinetic scrolling?

Disabling Multi Touch Gestures in Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS Desktop

jQuery - draggable images on iPad / iPhone - how to integrate event.preventDefault();?

Ubuntu 13.04 touchscreen and touchpad support on Dell XPS 12

Disable touch on Bamboo Touch&Pen CTH-460

Has 3D touch to switch apps been removed in iOS11?

Want left and right mouse buttons to both map to select

How can I get two-finger scrolling working on my trackpad?