Does the Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch work out of the box?

Is there any tweaking involved in Ubuntu 10.10 to make the Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch work? And is this hardware getting some love from the new multitouch framework?

If there's no multitouch support for it, then I'd fall back on the simpler (and cheaper) Wacom Bamboo Pen (to draw, no multitouch)...

ENAC's general list of Linux multitouch devices states the following regarding Wacom: "The 'wacom' kernel driver handles these, and is undergoing work to make it compliant with the kernel multitouch protocol." But is this also compatible with Ubuntu's multitouch protocol (which I understand is a different effort than the kernel's)

Solution 1:

I'm following this thread on Ubuntu Forum about Wacom Bamboo Pen and Touch Series Development.

I think that sometimes wacom bamboo pen and touch work out of the box on Ubuntu, but many times they don't.

So for now you have to manually download latest driver from Linux Wacom Project and compile it yourself.

Here jcannonsr say that there is also a ppa with dkms module but I haven't tried if it works.

You can find other useful information on these bug reports: Lucid 10.04 Karmic 9.10

Solution 2:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:doctormo/wacom-plus
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wacom-dkms

Thanks to Martin Owens -doctormo-