Flash is not working in Chrome (Crossover Linux is installed)

ok Crossover linux added a second flash plugin through wine for chromium / chrome, to turn off the second plugin do the following:

   1. load chrome
   2. hit the wrench button
   3. select preferences
   4. go to Under the Hood tab
   5. under Privacy section hit Content Settings button
   6. select Features -> Plug-ins
   7. push Disable individual plug-ins
   8. In the upper right hit the + next to Details
   9. Scroll down until you see Shockwave Flash
  10. disable all entries other than /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so 
     (or the specific flash version you installed).

Reference Source: http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=108086

A second option would be to uninstall flash from your crossover bottles. For me this fixed flash in Firefox as well.

Try the beta version (9.0). I'm using Kubuntu 10.10 64bits, and Flash works perfectly.

You can get this version from the the chromium-daily PPA:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chromium-daily/beta
sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

Note: if you've previously installed the chromium-browser-l10n package for a multi-language browser, you have to uninstall it. This package is not included with the beta package, so you're stuck with an English interface.

Purge (completely remove) and reinstall flashplugin-nonfree with sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree followed by sudo apt-get install flashplugin-free . This downloads a new version of Flash player complete with new updates, etc. automatically. No reboot needed.

It installs Flash for FF. Restart Chrome and it works.... I read about these kind of solutions before. When you cannot install in Chrome try installing in FF..... With thanks to Wizard1000