How to view and/or edit a .mdb Jet MS Access database file?

I have a .mdb database file which originated from a MS Access Jet database.

Is the some way to view this database, and even better, a way to edit and export it?

You can try to install mdbtools and mdbtools-gmdb in order to get the mdb viewer for gnome.

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I haven't used it myself, so i don't know if it's able to let you edit the database, but it gives you the option to export it, so maybe you can convert it to the oo-base version (odb).

I don't know why openoffice doesn't support it. I've read that is caused by MSDAO that cannot be installed in linux o/s, so only oo-base in windows can natively support it.

Anyway, you should give it a try i guess. I hope it helps a bit.

You can use LibreOffice Base with the UCanAccess JDBC driver to manipulate Microsoft Access databases (.mdb and .accdb). For details, see the following answer

Is it possible to open a Microsoft Access database file without using Wine or VirtualBox?