New posts in modules

Quotient of free module

How to force a proprietary driver to load on startup?

Is a minimal Gröbner Basis a minimal system of generators?

A module without a basis

Winning strategies in multidimensional tic-tac-toe

Are $\mathbb{Q}$ or $\mathbb{Z}$ flat modules?

Is the kernel of a map to a finitely presented module finitely generated?

Vector Space Structures over ($\mathbb{R}$,+)

Linear algebra over a non-free f.g. module

Proving that $M\otimes N \approx N\otimes M$ (help needed) [duplicate]

If $M \otimes N=0$ then prove that either $M=0$ or $N=0$ [duplicate]

How can I find an element $x\not\in\mathfrak mM_{\mathfrak m}$ for every maximal ideal $\mathfrak m$

The support of a non finitely generated module

Hom of finitely generated modules over a noetherian ring

Generalization of Cayley-Hamilton

Are localized rings always flat as $R$-modules?

Simple module is isomorphic to $R/M$ where $M$ is a maximal ideal

What is the significance of the quotient $m/m^2$?

Universal property of free module, "converse"

Is the dual of a finitely generated module finitely generated?