New posts in modprobe

how to configure modprobe to recognize newly installed driver for eth1 on bootup?

Is is possible to modprobe a module from the boot loader?

Installing Arch Linux, issue with `modprobe efivars`

ls -1 /dev/{ashmem,binder} yields anticipated result for /dev/ashmem, but an error for /dev/binder

Can't load wireguard module

Sometimes my wifi on my Thinkpad X201 stops working and I have to restart. Any workaround?

USB to Serial adapter doesn't works

IPTables module ip_tables not found for root

Fixing X11's startup Errors by Xorg.conf or modprobe

Nouveau blacklisted but loaded

What does `modprobe option` do?

How to load "snd-hda-intel" at startup

Disable usb port [duplicate]

How do I automatically run modprobe v4l2loopback on boot?

What is the difference between modprobe and dkms?

Module "ashmem" doesn't load with Secure Boot on (but "binder" does load with secure boot on)

Why do I need to re-load kernel modules for virtualbox after a kernel update?

SD card not working :[ 249.480884] mmc0: error -5 whilst initialising SD card

How can I ensure the `snd-hda-intel` module is loaded on startup?

VirtualBox Installation gives message "modprobe vboxdrv" failed