Fixing X11's startup Errors by Xorg.conf or modprobe

I am using Ubuntu Live CD to get an access to the broken Ubuntu after running a few Linux Kernel Magic commands without knowing completely what I did. I mounted the system to Live CD.

I need to apparently be able to run aptitude such that I can fix the following errors in my T60s.

(EE) intel(0): Failed to set tiling on front buffer: rejected by kernel
(EE) intel(0): Failed to set tiling on back buffer: rejected by kernel
(EE) intel(0): Failed to set tiling on depth buffer: rejected by kernel
(EE) XKB: No component provided Virtual core keyboard

#1 solution: Xorg.conf


I run replaced the xorg.conf with the backup files at /mnt/sda5/etc/xorg.conf unsuccessfully. My T60s still goes to the gray-error screen although I use different xorg.conf -files.

I booted my system by Cmd-Alt-SysRq {r,e,i,s,u,b} so the new xorg.conf should be in the mounted sda5.


I removed my /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but the same problem remains. This suggests to me that the problem is not in X11.

#2 Solution

Daubers at Ubuntu-uk suggests to

  1. mount /proc /dev /sys into your old fs using a loopback interface
  2. run chroot

This means that I need to run

   mount /dev/sda5 /proc 
   mount /dev/sda5 /dev 
   mount -o loop /chroot/sys /sys

The last command gives me the output

could not find any loop device. Maybe this kernel does not know about the loop device? (if so, recomplie or `modprobe loop`.)

The output means apparently that Ubuntu's Linux Kernel does not support the feature loop.

The command fdisk -l gives me:

alt text

How can you run mount -o loop /chroot/sys successfully? I need to apparently add some module to Linux kernel

#3 by Ubuntu Live CD

#3.1 By updating applications in Ubuntu by a Live CD

The following commands are not accurate according to popey at #ubuntu-uk.

I run

sudo mkdir /mnt/repair
sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/repair
sudo chroot /mnt/repair              // after this I did not manage to run other commands    

sudo apt-get update                  // I cannot run these, I get no traffic outside
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo aptitude upgrade
sudo apt-get -f install
sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo reboot

Solution 1:

I get an excellent answer by Popey at #Ubuntu-uk

Paste from popey at Tue, 24 Nov 2009 12:04:21 +0000

Repairing a stuffed up install

== Asumptions ==

 * Booted off live cd
 * Local hard disk is /dev/sda
 * Root partition is /dev/sda1
 * Home partition is /dev/sda2

== Make directories ==

$ mkdir ~/target
$ mkdir ~/target/proc
$ mkdir ~/target/dev
$ mkdir ~/target/sys
$ mkdir ~/target/home

== Mount filesystems ==

$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 ~/target
$ sudo mount /dev/sda2 ~/target/home

== Mount other bits ==

$ sudo mount -o bind /dev ~/target/dev
$ sudo mount -o bind /sys ~/target/sys
$ sudo mount -o bind /proc ~/target/proc

== Chroot into it ==

$ sudo chroot ~/target

I get the following in running one of the commandss

root@ubuntu:/# sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu

This may be the reason why Popey's pieces of advice did not solve the problem.