Make executing CMD window show when it is ran by a task scheduler

I have task that runs on windows server 2016. The user account under which task runs is always logged on. When task runs, it kicks FBCMD.exe which is FinalBuilder program that executes some parameters. When I start this program via batch file, I see the window. But when task scheduler starts this program using exact same parameters, it runs on background. I want this window to show. In fact, when we ran this in win7 it did show. Here are images of the task setup. Can this be done?

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Solution 1:

Run a Scheduled Task Interactively

Simply check the Run only when user is logged on from the General tab and Security options section to ensure the process is run visibly/interactively with the logged on session.

Since you say "The user account under which the task runs is always logged on" and the expected result is for the screen to be visible when the Task Scheduler job executes the process, then you only need to make that simple adjustment to get the expected result.

enter image description here

Further Resources

  • Task Security Context

    • To make a task run interactively, select the Run only when user is logged on radio button.