New posts in microsoft-visio-2013

Resizing a grid shape in Microsoft Visio 2013

Display Visio page title in page

Where is size, make equal in Visio 2013

Ensure Visio new Connection Points at the middle distance?

Can't open two instances of Visio 2013

In Visio 2013, how do I remove bend points in connectors/lines?

How can I remove a Theme from One Shape of Many in Visio 2016

Visio 2013 Keyboard shortcuts [closed]

How can I change the text position of connector?

Transparent background in Visio 2013

Adding a bend to a straight connector in Microsoft Visio 2013

Visio 2013 - Flowchart Legend

How to: Database Model in Visio 2013

How to make sure newly created connectors are straight?

How can actually fit the page size to the drawing in Microsoft Visio 2013?

How Do I Get Bi-Directional Arrows In Visio 2013

Transparent text background in an arrow in Visio

Need more auto-connection points on Visio shapes