New posts in microsoft-excel

How to do a "great circle" calculation in MS Excel or LibreOffice?

Excel formula to get the penultimate value in a row

SUMIF/ COUNTIF (look up names from column 1 then sum numbers from column 2)

How to bring to front a series in a scattered chart

Can I produce a row in Excel which is random permutation of another row?

How to display certain text on an adjacent cell when it is a statutory holiday for a timesheet?

How do I subtract some values based on the text value of a different column?

Need a formula that looks at the first digit or letter in a cell

How do I copy hyperlink only (and not text) to another cell? [duplicate]

Excel pivot table - how to sort strings as numbers

Divide Cell Contents into 'n' Equal Values Repeatedly and Re-Distribute into Every 'm'th Cell

Two different computers downloading same spreadsheet - data displays differently

Documents open in Office 2010 on PC with both Office 2010 and Office 2019

Find and Replace is not working

How do I enter an @ at the beginning of cell (when its not a formula)

How can I turn a Calculated Column back into a data column in an Excel Table?

truncate "hh:mm:ss" to have just "hh"

Getting the value in one column from a formula on another column in excel

Ms Excel copy and paste data duplicate by x

Excel file growing huge (>150 MB)