New posts in microservices

Micro-services architecture loose coupling complications

Microservices – best practices to retrieve the related data to specific user from the other micro services with the minimal memory/time loss

Angular and Micro-Frontends

How to handle HTTP requests in a Microservice / Event Driven Architecture?

Can you use gRPC/gRPC-Web to communicate between Microservices hosted on Azure?

How to bring a gRPC defined API to the web browser

Microservices with shared database? using multiple ORM's? [closed]

How does data denormalization work with the Microservice Pattern?

What would be the best self preservation time parameter configuration for Eureka server for 12 Microservices and 2 instance for each Microservice

DB structure/architecture with a auth SASS

Microservices vs Monolithic Architecture [closed]

Why do I need to deploy a "default" app before I can deploy multiple services in GAE?

How big tech companies share databases across multiple teams?

How to pass data from Spring backend to Angular frontend?

Microservices: how to handle foreign key relationships

Where does Elixir/erlang fit into the microservices approach? [closed]

Best way to implement Google Pub/Sub Subscribe + HTTP Rest API + Database

Microservices and database joins

API gateway vs. reverse proxy

Microservice Authentication strategy