New posts in metaprogramming

Change the context/binding inside a block in ruby

Getting template metaprogramming compile-time constants at runtime

Assign route dynamically Node/Express

Ruby: Inherit code that works with class variables

Thread Safety: Class Variables in Ruby

Accessing function as attribute in a Python class

method_missing gotchas in Ruby

Reducing code duplication while defining a commutative operation

C++ Template Metaprogramming - Is it possible to output the generated code?

Tag dispatch versus static methods on partially specialised classes

`respond_to?` vs. `respond_to_missing?`

C++ metafunction to determine whether a type is callable

Undefine variable in Ruby

Remove/undef a class method

Python dynamic function creation with custom names

Template Metaprogramming - Difference Between Using Enum Hack and Static Const

How to know if a type is a specialization of std::vector?

C++: How to require that one template type is derived from the other

Python decorator makes function forget that it belongs to a class

Metaprogramming in C++ and in D