New posts in memory-management

Is it possible to implement a dynamic array without reallocation?

Is there a minimal heap size for Android versions?

How to get memory size of variable?

C++ object created with new, destroyed with free(); How bad is this?

Initialize device array in CUDA

Why exactly should I not call free() on variables not allocated by malloc()?

DeadObjectException on android app

Can using too many static variables cause a memory leak in Java?

How to free 2d array in C?

How to deal with executor memory and driver memory in Spark?

Does @"some text" give an autoreleased or retain 1 object back?

Is freeing handled differently for small/large numpy arrays?

Why does java wait so long to run the garbage collector?

Why is our MonoTouch app breaking in the garbage collector? It is not out of memory

What is the most reliable / portable way to allocate memory at low addresses on 64-bit systems?

Circular References in Java

IOS SDK: first advice for beginners [closed]

Parsing very large XML documents (and a bit more) in java

Is it possible to free() or shorten an char array?

Should objects delete themselves in C++?