New posts in measure-theory

Is every probability measure in the line induced by a random variable?

What's the intuition behind the Co-Area formula?

If $f\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$ is such that $\int_{\mathbb{R}}f\phi=0$ for all continuous compactly supported $\phi$, then $f\equiv 0$.

Showing a result for simple functions

Calculating the Lebesgue Integral given only the measure of a set

nondecreasing rearrangement is equimeasurable

Gauss–Ostrogradsky formula for Distributions

Prove that if $B$ is the set of rationals in $[0,1]$ with a finite subcover, then: $1 \leq \sum_{k=1}^n m^*(I_k)$

Representation of the dual of $C_b(X)$?

Topology on the set of partitions

Definition of "the surface measure"?

$G$ be a non-measurable subgroup of $(\mathbb R,+)$ ; $I$ be a bounded interval , then $m^*(G \cap I)=m^*(I)$?

Computing Radon-Nikodym derivative

How do I prove $f=0$ almost everywhere?

Bayesian Inference in Measure Theory

Existence of essential supremum for an uncountable sequence of measurable functions

Differentiation under (measure theoretical) integral sign

Why outer measure?

Lebesgue measure-preserving differentiable function

What tools are used to show a type of convergence is or is not topologizable?