New posts in measure-theory

Measurable functions in a countable co-countable $\sigma$-algebra

A construction of sigma-algebras - surely not new, right?

Open sets do not have measure zero

Hölder inequality from Jensen inequality

Prove the set of which sin(nx) converges has Lebesgue measure zero (from Baby Rudin Chapter 11)

What does $||XY||_1$ mean?

Evaluate: $\lim_{n\to\infty} \int_{[0,\infty)} (1+x/n)^{-n}\sin(x/n)\,dx.$

Best textbook for Geometric Measure Theory

Locally non-enumerable dense subsets of R

If two Borel measures coincide on all open sets, are they equal?

Show that a certain set is measurable

What does $\mathbb{P}(d\omega)=dw$ actually mean?

Non-decreasing sequence of random variable convergence in probability implies it also converges almost surely.

The Supremum and Infimum of a sequence of measurable functions is measurable

Finite additivity in outer measure

Convergence in measure - product

Does Vitali construction exhaust non-measurable sets?

Questions on atoms of a measure

A property on $L^p$ and $L^q$ spaces

Separability of functions with compact support