New posts in measure-theory

Independent $\sigma$-algebras using $\pi$-$\lambda$-theorem

When do we have $\sigma(X)= \sigma (f(X))$?

Relation between absolute continuity with respect to lebesgue measure and integral

$\sigma$-algebra of well-approximated Borel sets

Measurable subset of $\mathbb{R}$ with a specific property

Convergent hyperbolic cosine martingale $X_n = \frac{\text{exp} \big (\sum_{j=1}^n a_j Y_j \big )}{\prod_{j=1}^n \text{cosh}(a_j)}$, $Y_n$ Rademacher

Radon-Nikodým (write the density as a limit)

The completion of the Borel $\sigma$-algebra the same as the completion of the Lebesgue outer measure?

Will the Lebesgue integral of a real valued function always be a Riemann sum?

Proving the inclusion-exclusion principle for measures

$p \leqslant q \leqslant r$. If $f \in L^p$ and $f \in L^r$ then $ f \in L^q$? [duplicate]

Difference in probability distributions from two different kernels

Does Measurablity of Cuts imply Measurability in Product Space?

Covering a compact set with balls whose centers do not belong to other balls.

Making sense out of "field", "algebra", "ring" and "semi-ring" in names of set systems

The integral of a characteristic function with respect to a product measure.

In what sense is Lebesgue integral the "most general"?

Length of a union of intervals

Is the $ L^{p}$$[0,1]$ norm continuous in p?

Non-averaging set cannot have positive measure