New posts in measure-theory

How to properly define conditional probabilities on metric spaces?

Is the probability density function unique?

The number of members of a sigma algebra generated by a set of finite number of subsets of $A$

Absolute continuity of a measure in the intervals implies absolute continuity of borel measures?

Countably generated $\sigma$-algebra implies separability of $L^p$ spaces

Prove that a field of a set has $2^r$ elements if it has finite cardinality.

Proof of countable additive property of Lebesgue Integrable functions

Measure and metric

Significance of $\sigma$-finite measures

$\int_X |f_n - f| \,dm \leq \frac{1}{n^2}$ for all $n \geq 1$ $\implies$ $f_n \rightarrow f$ a.e.

If $f(x) \le f(Tx)$ then $f(x)=f(Tx)$ almost everywhere ( $T$ is $\mu$-invariant )

Proof that the Lebesgue measure is complete

Sequence of simple functions nonnegative that converge to measurable function $f$

How do I evaluate the Lebesgue measure of a ball?

Conditional expectation given an event is equivalent to conditional expectation given the sigma algebra generated by the event

If X and Y are random variables with the same distribution, prove that f(X) and f(Y) are random variables that have the same distribution.

How to prove $E\subset R^n$ Jordan measurable is equivalent to $\bar{E}-E$ is Jordan measured null

Show that $\phi \circ f$ belongs to $L_p$ for each $f \in L_p$

Volume of $n$ dimensional ellipsoid

Pull the teeth out of Lebesgue integration