New posts in mdns

How to make reverse mDNS through IPv6 on OSX?

My mdns address myhost.local mistakenly bound to Docker virtual network, not my wifi network

How to configure an IPP-driverless printer with static IP address in CUPS?

Reset mDNS service on Windows 10 without rebooting

How do I tell OS X's implementation of Bonjour/ZeroConf which network to use for mdns?

.local hostname resolution is slow on 20.04

Avahi / mDNS not working

Forward mDns from one subnet to another?

Repeating mDNS/Bonjour requests from eth0 through a tunnel (tun0)

Time machine Detection over VPN via DNS-SD?

How to continually run mDNS on Windows 10?

Repeating mDNS/Bonjour requests from eth0 through a tunnel (tun0)

avahi stops publishing after a few minutes

Getting Chromecast to work across subnets

PC version of Google Chrome doesn't recognize ".local" domain name

What is mDNS? Is it possible to make mDNS query without mdns service running?

Configuring linux to be visible in microsoft DNS domain

Multicast routing across two subnets with FreeBSD 9 (Bonjour between subnets)?

Bonjour/mDNS Broadcast across subnets

Avahi (zeroconf/bonjour) service in bridged VirtualBox sometimes not found outside host