New posts in maven-2

how to detect a build error from ant/maven via a bash script?

Where is log output written to when using Robolectric + Roboguice?

Maven doesn't use Java 7

Is there a way to hide Maven 2 "target/" folder in Eclipse 3?

Using the Nexus rest API to get latest artifact version for given groupid/artifactId

Maven - Add directory to classpath while executing tests

Building same project in Maven with different artifactid (based on JDK used)

Changing packaging based on active profile in pom

Using Maven for deployment

How do I add time-stamp information to Maven artifacts?

Adding the current date with Maven2 filtering

mvn archetype:generate does not work-no plugin found for prefix 'archetype'

Reading properties file from Maven POM file

What is the default annotation processors discovery process?

Maven "shaded" JAR is prefixed with "original" in the file name

maven2: excluding directory from WAR

Testing against Java EE 6 API

Maven GWT 2.0 and Eclipse

With Maven, how can I build a distributable that has my project's jar and all of the dependent jars?

What is the best way to avoid maven-jar?