New posts in matrix-decomposition

How to understand the spectral decomposition geometrically?

Understanding the singular value decomposition (SVD)

Relation between Cholesky and SVD

Why is the non-negative matrix factorization problem non-convex?

Why do we say SVD can handle singular matrix in least-squares? Comparison of SVD and QR decompositions

How is the null space related to singular value decomposition?

A normal matrix with real eigenvalues is Hermitian

LU Decomposition vs. Cholesky Decomposition

Let $A=(a_{ij})$ be an $n\times n$ matrix. Suppose that $A^2$ is diagonal. Must $A$ be diagonal?

When does a Square Matrix have an LU Decomposition?

Problem with Singular Value Decomposition

Polar decomposition of real matrices

Computing the Smith Normal Form

Proof that $\text{det}(AB) = \text{det}(A)\text{det}(B)$ without explicit expression for $\text{det}$

How can you explain the Singular Value Decomposition to non-specialists?

Calculating SVD by hand: resolving sign ambiguities in the range vectors.

If $\mathrm{Tr}(A)=0$ then $T=R^{-1}AR$ has all entries on its main diagonal equal to $0$

How unique are $U$ and $V$ in the Singular Value Decomposition?