New posts in math

Is there an easily available implementation of erf() for Python?

Why can't programs be proven?

Combinatoric 'N choose R' in java math?

to_d to always return 2 decimals places in ruby

How to check if an integer is a power of 3?

Javascript Math Error: Inexact Floats [duplicate]

Find point of intersection between two vectors in MATLAB

Calculate a point along the line A-B at a given distance from A

What is half open range and off the end value

Python: max/min builtin functions depend on parameter order

Can a IEEE 754 real number "cover" all integers within its range?

Area of rectangle-rectangle intersection

milliseconds to days

Why does NaN^0 == 1

Solving non-square linear system with R

Android getOrientation Azimuth gets polluted when phone is tilted

how do I make a portable isnan/isinf function

Does casting to an int after std::floor guarantee the right result?

Is the time complexity of the empty algorithm O(0)?

how map 2d grid points (x,y) onto sphere as 3d points (x,y,z)