New posts in math-history

Who came up with the $\varepsilon$-$\delta$ definitions and the axioms in Real Analysis?

Why is "h" used for entropy?

Motivation for Tom Lehrer's song "Lobachevsky"?

History of zero?

History of the vocabulary for group extensions

When was $\pi$ first suggested to be irrational?

Difference between calculus and analysis

Was there anybody before Cantor who conjectured existence of infinities of different sizes?

What did Hilbert actually want for his second problem?

The history of set-theoretic definitions of $\mathbb N$

Did Zariski really define the Zariski topology on the prime spectrum of a ring?

Does there exist a copy of Euclid's Elements with modern notation and no figures?

Work of Ted Kaczynski

A curious theorem by Peano

What is "inner" about the inner product?

On the origins of the (Weierstrass) Tangent half-angle substitution

What is the most cited mathematical paper?

A place to learn about math etymology?

How much math education was typical in the 18th & 19th century?

What is "Russian-style" mathematics?