New posts in m1

Just bought MacMini M1, not happy with BigSur can I install Catalina and if so how?

Battery discharge while Macbook was turned off in 1 week. Possible causes?

why does an m1 Mac think that a side loaded iOs app is jailbroken?

How to enable hibernation on M1 Mac

How can I run an iOS app in a macOS sandbox?

Does MacOS on M1 prioritise arm binaries later on path?

is there a better alternative to clean installs?

ExFAT thumb drive not recognized in Mac OS Big Sur

How to use sshfs on Apple Silicon (M1)

New M1 Macbook Pro, warranty expired

Does the new 24" iMac Touch ID keyboard work with Mac's with the T2 Chip?

can't mount an encrypted Volume on an M1 Mac. Works fine on Intel Macs. Known Issue?

zsh: killed git on Mac

Can you use Sidecar with 5G only to connect Macbook Pro to iPad Pro M1 devices reliably for work

How to tell if M1 Mac has Rosetta installed?

M1 recovery not showing disk or users

"Install Labview 2020 sp1 community " cannot be opened because apple cannot check it for malicious software

MacMini M1 broken sudo

Keeping a process always running even when M1 Mac is sleeping

MacBook Pro M1 Video Output using DVI Adaptor