New posts in m1

MacBook Pro 13" M1 has 2880-by-1800 resolution

How to tell if dmg file contains universal binaries, i.e. if it has been compiled for arm64 hardware

inscrutable rules for disallowing binaries on a new Apple Silicon (Big Sur) machine [closed]

How to get lldb to work on M1 Big Sur?

TeX on Arm Infrastructure

Randomly got the "Get a tour of your new Macbook Air" on a 6 year old Macbook Pro

MacOS 'Big Sur' bad cpu type in executable error [duplicate]

Upgrading Python 2.7 to 3.8 : Recommended?

How to install and run coursera-dl on M1 Mac without errors?

Move from Intel to M1 with TimeMachine

Pale colors on external monitor with MacBook Pro M1

How to turn off screen saver for remote desktop sessions in macOS Catalina?

Does the Mac mini with M1 support the LG 5k display?

Python 3 Not Updating in Shell on Mac Mini M1

Oracle VirtualBox installation failed on BigSur M1 Apple laptop

Local policy error when disabling SIP on Big Sur/M1

What is storagekitd?

Any suggestions for M1 optimized file comparison tool? [closed]

CPU Intensive task on Big Sur is really fast for 5 minutes, then really slow

Installing HomeBrew `.app` on M1