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A Concrete Approach to Category Theory

Forgotten old results break my motivation

How do you resist thinking about you may not be able to go further in mathematics? [closed]

Do Math Professors still do textbook problems to learn subjects foreign to them? [closed]

Rigour vs intuition

"This is a book" what is the role of "book"? [closed]

Can I learn Calculus on the web, for free, using simple tutorials? [closed]

Newton's first law, unless + past participle

Automatizing computational skills

Math route for someone of this background

Transitioning to Elementary School teaching and need some advice on bolstering my math skills

Is it possible to learn English by just listening and speaking (without knowing formal grammar rules) [closed]

What higher-level math ought I, an undergraduate, study?

How can I explain topology to my grandmother?

The most common theorems taught in Abstract Algebra

Mathematics base for data mining and artificial intelligence algorithms. [closed]

Is Mathematics graduation important for a Computer Scientist?

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Attemping Qualifying Exam Problems -- and failing

Best practice to learn English [closed]