New posts in launchpad

Use Launchpad while downloading from AppStore

Is there any way to rename app name in lauchpad?

How do I pause a download in the Launchpad in OS X Lion?

How do I get Launchpad to see apps on an external disk?

Can I make the Launchpad key (F4) on my new Macbook Pro toggle Mission Control instead?

Apple Mac Book Pro, Launchpad Order Items Alphabetically

Launchpad: CLI "Copying packages"

Unmodified F4 no longer summons LaunchPad

How to search for and list available ppas via the python launchpad API?

How can I change my email address on launchpad?

Is it possible to automatically show apps which are installed to "~/Applications" in the system's "Applications" folder?

Changing Launchpad username, and How to know what sites will be affected?

How to set up Launchpad to import from GitHub?

Where exactly is all the source code on Launchpad browseable?

What is the proper way to patch Wine for a custom PPA?

Cannot rearrange Launchpad Icons

python 2.7.9 backport to trusty (14.04)

Did Mountain Lion fix Launchpad's re-arranging curse?

How to see if a ppa supports my distro

How to remove duplicate icons from Launchpad?