New posts in launch-services

Why is my iOS app not showing up in other apps' "Open in" dialog? attribute does not cause any warnings

How do I reorder the programs in the 'open with' window of a file?

My macbook thinks .as files are zip files (and they won't open in XCode)

How can I track down the process that started a VPN interface on Catalina?

mds and lsd going crazy

How to 'unregister' a file type / MIME with launch services

What are the services Apple's Firewall considers essential?

Accidentally unloaded all launchctl daemons and now can't boot [duplicate]

Huge TM backups - LaunchServices csstore file too big?

Homebrew running service shows error, how to debug this?

What does lsboxd process do on os x?

Anyway to obtain list of Application that can open a file via Terminal?

launchd: Confusion on semantics of bootstrap and bootout etc. after reading manual pages

How to force macOS to open links with correct Telegram client

Why does setting the hard-limit for maxfiles to "unlimited" using `launchctl limit` result in a hard-limit slightly above the soft-limit?

Why is a command line change to ~/Library/Preferences/ not effective immediately?

Programmatically/Script-atically changing the default Open-With setting

Replace Text Edit as the default text editor