How can I track down the process that started a VPN interface on Catalina?

The direct answer to my question:

Track down the process by gathering more information

scutil --nwi

Network information

IPv4 network interface information
  ipsec0 : flags      : 0x5 (IPv4,DNS)
           address    :
           VPN server : X.X.X.X
           reach      : 0x00000003 (Reachable,Transient Connection)

Check PIDs of network connections to VPN server and find parent PID

lsof -i | grep -E "X.X.X.X"

NEIKEv2Pr  **942** todd    7u  IPv4 0x6816df6181c68875      0t0  UDP>X.X.X.X:ipsec-msft 

ps -l 942 | grep -v grep

UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS WCHAN     S             ADDR TTY           TIME CMD
  502   942     **1**     4004   0  31  0  5007340   8496 -      Ss                  0 ??         0:00.46 /System/Library/Frameworks/NetworkExtension.framework/PlugIns/NEIKEv2Provider.appex/Contents/MacOS/NEIKEv2Provider

PID 1 belongs to launchd in this on to my next problem of finding the service responsible for launching this NEIKEv2 process..any help is welcome although I'll most likely have to start a new thread.