New posts in kingdoms-amalur-reckoning

I failed to steal from a NPC. I don't want to kill her because of a quest, but she keeps trying to kill me. What do I do?

How long and how much can I benefit from praying?

Do items in houses respawn?

How to open Aster Strongboxes in Kingdom of Amalur?

Is there any way to skip the tutorial?

How do I get the guards to stop attacking me, and get them to arrest me?

Can a skill carry over through salvaging?

Does using 'Auto-Attempt' count towards Open Sesame achievement/trophy?

I have a huge bounty and the guards won't arrest me. Why?

Viewing stats (such as critical chance) in Kingdoms of Amalur

Is there a way to drop quests or tasks in Kingdoms of Amalur?

What is the point of the titles in the Garden City of Ysa?

Is there a different master crafting bonus gained from different forges?

How does Sagecrafting work?

How do I tell Gizela Wulflac that Camden is dead?

What should I do with The Treasures of Meropis?

Is there a "wait" command?

How to figure out which trainers I have already visited?

What is the save file location for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning?

What is a lorestone for?