How to open Aster Strongboxes in Kingdom of Amalur?
I searched internet for an answer but all I found was that I need to find a gravestone that gives me "half an amulet" which then starts a questline that will reward me a key to these chests.
What is the name of the quest line and where can I find these gravestones?
Name of the quest line is The Aster Inheritance.
Heric Aster's Grave
Heric Aster's Grave is located South, South-West of Helmgard Keep, against the Western base of Skycrown mountain.
Bodan Aster's Grav
Bodan Aster's Grave is located South of Dolve Wayle in the Tala-Rane section of the Plains of Erathell.
You can find full walkthrough for this quest along with more details about each gravestone location here.