New posts in kerbal-space-program

How to revive kerbals on Mac

Does deltaV have a limit using only stock parts?

How to design heavy lifter rocket

Why is my rocket drifting north?

How does Min Pressure affect chutes in Kerbal Space Program?

How do I orientate the navball properly with a probe?

How fast do I need to be going to kill my Kerbals?

My ship is exploding on entry, what do I do?

What altitude do I need to be to register as being above a biome?

Should I start trading Science for Money after unlocking the entire science tree in KSP?

Can I transfer my saved game between platforms?

I Need Help With My Parachute in Kerbal Space Program

What is the difference between a stack decoupler and a stack separator?

Which communication method is most efficient?

Do I need to bring my scientific instruments back from the Mun?

Which facility upgrade unlocks maneuver nodes in KSP

Editing Kerbal Space Program save files for KSO

Do I definitely lose science when transmitting reports by antenna?

How fast should I be going through Kerbin's atmosphere during launch?

How do you tell if re-entry will destroy your ship?